License Order Cloud

Order a ForNAV license Cloud

To order a ForNAV license for Dynamics 365 Business Central Cloud/Saas, please fill in the license order information below.

When you send the license order, we’ll send a copy of your order to you.

    Partner name (required)

    Partner contact name (required)

    Partner contact e-mail (required)

    Invoice e-mail (if different from contact e-mail)

    P/O or Reference no.

    ForNAV License Type (required)

    See the Price List for details ( If you order a partner license, please also fill in the customer information below. Partner licenses are covered by the ForNAV Partner Agreement.

    Number of users (Essentials/Premium) - if different from 20/unlimited

    This number of ForNAV users must at any time be the same as the number of Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials/Premium users (we no longer charge for Team Member or Device users).

    Number of additional production environments on the same Azure Active Directory (AAD) or Microsoft Entra ID

    The first production environment on each AAD/Microsoft Entra ID is included in the ForNAV user pricing. The total number of Business Central users (Essentials/Premium) across all environments must still equal the total number of ForNAV users up to 20 users. Above 20 users, the ForNAV license is for an unlimited number of users in the same AAD/Microsoft Entra ID.

    Monthly or yearly payment (select yearly payment and get 2 months for free)

    North American check report only

    Customer name (required)

    Customer address 1 (required)

    Customer address 2

    Customer ZIP code (required)

    Customer town (required)

    Customer state/region

    Customer country (required)

    Customer contact name (required)

    Customer contact e-mail (required)

    Customer phone number

    Customer VAT/TAX number

    Customer tenant/AAD ID (required)

    Here you enter the customers Azure Active Directory (AAD) or Microsoft Entra ID. Alternatively, in the customer tenant, go to the ForNAV Setup page. Under Tenant Information, please copy the AAD/Entra ID number – or run the "Sent Tenant Information" under "Process".


    Please note, Microsoft Entra ID is the new name for Azure Active Directory