FORNAV has a great tool for setting the number of copies in a report. Instead of adding a CopyLoop data item, you can simply set the number of copies with a function call.
There are a few steps to add this code. First, you need to create a global variable to hold the number of copies:
trigger OnPreReport()beginReportForNav.SetCopies('Header', NoOfCopies);ReportForNav.LoadWatermarkFromSetup(ForNav_WatermarkType::Document);end;varNoOfCopies: Integer;
Next, you set the No. of Copies on the report request page:
requestpage{SaveValues = true;layout{area(content){group(Options){Caption = 'Options';field(NoOfCopies; NoOfCopies){ApplicationArea = All;Caption = 'No. of Copies';}}}}}
Finally, you set the number of copies in the OnPreReport trigger for the Universal Code version of FORNAV reports:
trigger OnPreReport()beginReportForNav.SetCopies('Header', NoOfCopies);end;
And the version for the DLL based reports:
trigger OnPreReport()beginReportForNav.GetDataItem('Header').Copies := NoOfCopies;ReportsForNavPre;end;
Set the No Of Copies when you run a report
In some cases, you might need to set the No Of Copies when you run a report from AL Code. You can do this by setting the NoOfCopies request page value in the report parameters.
local procedure RunReportWithNumberOfCopies()varItem: Record Item;ItemLabel: Report "ForNAV Item - Label";RecRef: RecordRef;ReqPageParams: Text;NoOfCopies: Integer;beginNoOfCopies := 2;Item := Rec;Item.SetRecFilter();// ReqPageParams := Report.RunRequestPage(Report::"ForNAV Item - Label");ReqPageParams := StrSubstNo('<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?><ReportParameters name="ForNAV Item - Label" id="6188685"><Options><Field name="NoOfCopies">%1</Field></Options></ReportParameters>', NoOfCopies);RecRef.GetTable(Item);Report.Execute(Report::"ForNAV Item - Label", ReqPageParams, RecRef);end;
You can find the full code on GitHub: