Installer Command Line Switches

The setup program supports a wide range of command line switches. These switches can be used to run the installation without user interaction or as a completely silent installation.

When the setup is run in silent mode then you need a way to specify the selections, you want to make. This is controlled through a range of command line switches supported by the installer.

Switch Description.
/SP- Disables the startup prompt.
/SILENT, /VERYSILENT Instructs Setup to be silent or very silent. When Setup is silent the wizard and the background window are not displayed but the installation progress window is. When a setup is very silent this installation progress window is not displayed. If a restart is necessary and the ‘/NORESTART’ command isn’t used (see below) and Setup is silent, it will display a Reboot now? message box. If it’s very silent it will reboot without asking.
/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES Instructs Setup to suppress message boxes. Only has an effect when combined with ‘/SILENT’ and ‘/VERYSILENT’.
/NOCANCEL Prevents the user from canceling during the installation process, by disabling the Cancel button and ignoring clicks on the close button. Useful along with ‘/SILENT’ or ‘/VERYSILENT’.
/NORESTART Instructs Setup not to reboot even if it’s necessary.
/RESTARTEXITCODE=exit code Specifies the custom exit code that Setup is to return when a restart is needed. Useful along with ‘/NORESTART’. Also see Setup Exit Codes.
/DIR=”x:\dirname” Overrides the default directory name displayed on the Select Destination Location wizard page. A fully qualified pathname must be specified.
/GROUP=”folder name” Overrides the default folder name displayed on the Select Start Menu Folder wizard page.
/NOICONS No icons are installed in the start menu, on the desktop, and in the Quick Launch bar.
/LOG=filename The setup program writes a log to the specified file name. If the file exists, it will be overwritten.
/COMPONENTS=”comma separated list of component names Using this command line parameter causes setup to automatically select a list of a components.
Only the specified components will be selected; the rest will be deselected.
If a component name is prefixed with a “*” character, any child components will be selected as well. If a component name is prefixed with a “!” character, the component will be deselected.Available components are:

  • development
  • deployment\server
  • deployment\client
  • deployment\print
  • deployment\printservice
  • deployment\reportservice
/Offline=YES|NO Run the installer without Internet connection. This requires manual installation of the Microsoft WebView2 control if it is not on the machine already.
/ReportSvcReinstall=YES|NO Force a reinstall of the Report Service.
/ReportSvcStart=YES|NO Should the installer start the Report Service at the end of the installation? The default is YES.
/ReportSvcStartupType=DISABLED|MANUAL|AUTOMATIC Set the Report Service startup type.
/ReportSvcDelayedStart=YES|NO Specifies if the Report Service should be set to delayed start. This is only relevant if the startup type is AUTOMATIC. The default value is YES.
/DirPrtSvcReinstall=YES|NO Force a reinstall of the Direct Print service.
/DirPrtSvcStart=YES|NO Should the installer start the Direct Print service at the end of the installation? The default is yes.
/DirPrtUIStart=YES|NO Should the installer start the Direct Print user interface at the end of the installation? The default is yes.
/DirPrtSvcStartupType=DISABLED|MANUAL|AUTOMATIC Set the Direct Print service startup type.
/DirPrtStartInteractive=YES|NO Normally, the Direct Print service runs in a service context. However, it can be configured to run in the logged in user context. The default value is NO.
/DirPrtRunOnStartup=YES|NO Should Direct Print in interactive mode start automatically when the user logs in? The default is NO.
/DirPrtSvcDelayedStart=YES|NO Specifies if the Direct Print service should be set to delayed start. This is only relevant if the startup type is AUTOMATIC. The default value is YES.


Install the client add-in