FIK code

Updated December 2022

In some cases, customers still want to have a FIK code on their invoices. To make this possible, ForNAV has a built-in function string, CurrReport.FIK(CardType: Number, Number: String, Account: String): string,which you can use to create the FIK string.

If you use Continia’s Payment solution, to create the following FIK string:





Payment type


Invoice number


Control code for modulus 10 check


Credit account


  1. Define a Payment Setup record under report properties.

  3. Specify that the Payment setup can be read from the database in the OnPre Report property.

  5. Use the following source expression:  

    and set the font to OCRB.


Alternatively, if you want to use a field from a custom table:

  1. Define a MyPmtSetup record in the same way as described previously.
  2. Insert a Get call in the OnPre Report property in the same way as before.
  3. Use the following source expression:

    where CardType must contain a valid card type integer (the field type can be integer, code or text) and the font must be set to OCRB.


Alternatively, if you want to use a hardcode card type:

  • Use the following source expression:

    where the integer constant must contain a valid card type and the font must be set to OCRB.


You get the following result: