Export Table Definitions

Using the OData web service for the Fields page (7702) can sometimes be a problem because of firewalls or other network settings. Therefore, we offer the alternative solution of exporting your NAV table definitions to a text file and then using that with the Converter and Designer. The programs need access to field information, because the report itself does not contain enough information about the fields used in the report.

Exporting the Tables

The most obvious way to create a file with table definitions is to open C/SIDE, mark all your tables, and export them to a text file. However, this sometimes does not work if you don’t have permission to export specific tables. Usually, protected tables belong to an ISV solution that does not allow export to text. If the tables are protected, it is difficult to export them.

If you have these protected tables in your NAV solution, the workaround is to use a small codeunit to create the table definition file. This codeunit will open the Fields table and create a text file similar to the table export. The Converter and Designer can use this file in the same way as the normal table export.

You can download the following codeunit to export the fields:
