Errors and Solutions

This page will list errors seen in past versions and hints on how to fix or work around these problems.

Output Shows: The printer name ‘‘ already exists. Please change the name of the printer and try again.

Reason: You most likely have a direct printer with the same name as a printer connected to the service tier machine under the service tier service user. It may also be an email printer or a universal printer that is causing the overlap with the server printers.

Solution: Remove the direct printer(s) that are causing the overlap in printer names.

Output Shows: You have inserted a field in your report but the output value is blank (empty).

Reason: One possible reason is that your field is a calculated field.

Solution: Add the name of the field to the list of calculated fields on the dataitem in the designer.

Business Central Shows: A call to ForNav.Report_6_3_0_2254.Post failed with this message: Could not load file or assembly ‘DocumentFormat.OpenXml, Version=2.5.5631.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35’ or one of its dependencies. The located assembly’s manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)


A call to ForNav.Report_6_3_0_2254.Post failed with this message: The located assembly’s manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

Reason: Business Central is unable to load the required assembly in the right version. This is due to a limitation in the Business Central assembly loader.

Solution: Starting with ForNAV version we have changed the assembly name to force the service tier to load the correct version. Upgrade your old reports to this version or newer.

This has only been observed when running on-premise using the DLL and not the Universal Code version of ForNAV.

Business Central Shows: A call to ForNav.Report_6_0_0_2068.Post failed with this message: Method not found: ‘Void DevExpress.Pdf.PdfGraphics.DrawPageContent(DevExpress.Pdf.PdfPage)’

German: Fehler bei einem Aufruf von ForNAV.Report.Print mit folgender Meldung: Methode nicht gefunden: “Void DevExpress.Pdf.PdfGraphics.DrawPageContent(DevExpress.Pdf.PdfPage)”.

Reason: Business Central is unable to load the required assembly in the right version. It serves an assembly (DLL) in the wrong version with the wrong interface.

Solution: Starting with ForNAV version we force the service tier to load the Microsoft.NET types, which are used in the right version. Upgrade your old reports to this version.

Designer reports: Error starting the design session. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Reason: Unknown. The error has been reported once for version

Solution: A reboot fixed the problem.

Designer reports: Error saving the report. Error importing the object in NAV from … Error: [21431010] To upgrade reports, you must have Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Report Builder 3.0 installed. [0] The import stopped at line …

Reason: This is most likely a problem with the installed combination of NAV, Visual Studio, and Report Builder.

Solution: One user reported this problem and fixed it by uninstalling Visual Studio, setting the “Use Report Builder” option to yes, and repairing the Report Builder installation. Since ForNAV build 1340 the reports no longer needs the upgrade step in NAV.

Designer reports: Error saving the report. Eine Ausnahme vom Typ “ForNav.NavReportConvert+ReportException” wurde ausgelöst.

Reason: Your page 7702 has been modified and does not serve the correct OData format.

Solution: Restore the original page 7702 and try again.

Converter reports: Die Eigenshcaft “Field_Caption” ist für den Typ “NavTables.NAV.Fields” nicht vorhanden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass nur Eigenshcaftennamen verwendet werden, die im Typ definiert sind, in Microsoft.Data.Services.Client after line no. 0.

Reason: Your page 7702 has been modified and does not serve the correct OData format.

Solution: Restore the original page 7702 and try again.

Converter reports: 1 ist keine unterstützte Codepage. Parametername: codepage

Reason: Your text object file most likely contains a strange language code in a CaptionML string. Maybe instead of FRA, you have the value FRE. On some systems this will cause this error.

Solution: Check your text object for strange language codes. Sometimes this can also be fixed by updating your Microsoft.NET framework. Older versions of the framework does not know the same language codes as the new ones.

Converter reports: !!0[] System.Array.Empty()

Reason: There is a compatibility problem between Microsoft.NET 4.5 and 4.7, which can cause this error.

Solution: Please update your machine to Microsoft.NET 4.7.1 or later.

RTC reports: A message is shown in ForNav.Report.Post complaining about PostScriptConverter.PdfSettings is missing.

Reason: This most likely caused by not having a new Bullzip PDF Printer on the service tier.

Solution: Install Bullzip PDF Printer 11.4 or later on the service tier. You may have to restart the service tier service after updating the Bullzip PDF Printer.

RTC reports: A message is shown in ForNav.Report.Pre: The RPC server is unavailable.

Reason: This error can happen if you don’t have any printers on your service tier server.

Solution: Install Bullzip PDF Printer 11.4 or later on the service tier. You may have to restart the service tier service after updating the Bullzip PDF Printer.

RTC reports: A call to ForNav.Report.SelectPrinter failed with this message: You cannot print to Microsoft XPS Document Writer. Please check that you have permission to use it and if the printer is valid.

Reason: This error can happen if you don’t have any printers on your service tier server or the service tier user has an invalid printer name as the default printer.

Solution: Install Bullzip PDF Printer 11.4 or later on the service tier. You may have to restart the service tier service after updating the Bullzip PDF Printer. Also, log in as the service tier user and select the Bullzip PDF Printer as the default printer for that user.

RTC reports: A call to ForNav.Report.SelectPrinter failed with this message: Attempt to divide by zero.

Reason: This error has been reported on version on a client machine where the printing system did not work. Other application such as Microsoft Word could not print either.

Solution: Try to fix the Windows Installation so that printing in general works.

RTC reports: A call to ForNav.Report.Post failed with this message: The located assembly’s manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

Event log reports: Could not load file or assembly ‘DocumentFormat.OpenXml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8fb06cb64d019a17’ or one of its dependencies. The located assembly’s manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

Reason: ForNAV versions starting with build until references OpenXml 2.7 when creating Excel exports. The OpenXml 2.7 upgrade done in version causes problems if both OpenXml 2.5 and 2.7 is used by coexisting ForNAV versions.

Solution: Since ForNAV version this has been fixed. Install a new version and upgrade your reports.

RTC reports: An item with the same key has already been added.

Reason: Your report conversion has resulted in two dataitems with the same name.

Solution: Since ForNAV version this has been fixed. Install a new version and upgrade your reports. Alternatively, you can modify the name of one of the dataitems that causes this problem.

Barcode Shows: Control’s boundaries are too small for the barcode.

Reason: Some barcode formats such as Code39Extended requires a specific amount of space for each character. This error is shown if the width of the barcode field is less than required by the number of characters in the source.

Solution: Change the width of the barcode field or enable the Auto-Module feature that zooms the barcode to fit in the allocated space.

Note: You may have a situation where the barcode shows on print or in preview mode but not the other way around. This happens when the barcode is just wide enough to hold the barcode and a rounding error occurs because of the difference in DPI between preview and print.