Sometimes users will get the following error message when trying to run a report:
Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture—neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089’. The system cannot find the file specified.
The error occurs for users who use the DLL version of ForNAV and it happens because Microsoft has stopped supporting .net framework DLLs from Business Central 22 onward. In layman’s terms: Business Central can no longer use the files that your ForNAV Report Pack needs. The only solution is to upgrade ForNAV to the same technology as Business Central uses.
ForNAV has two modern versions of its program that you can upgrade to. The upgrade can be to either a Cloud-based version or to a Universal Code version. These versions of ForNAV are both compatible with the Cloud-based design of modern versions of Business Central and with each other, and they are both fully supported by ForNAV.
The Universal Code version of ForNAV allows ForNAV to run OnPrem (‘on premises’) or in any Business Central Docker, while the Cloud version of ForNAV runs in the Cloud.
For more information on upgrading your DLL version of ForNAV to Universal Code, please check out the following links: