Category: Knowledge Base

Troubleshooting Excel export

If you experience problems exporting your report to Excel, starting from version, you can run ForNAV in debug mode and send the debug files to ForNAV Support for troubleshooting. To enable the debug mode: In the registry database on the service tier machine, under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ForNAV\Reports ForNAV, add a value named DebugMode

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PowerShell CmdLet2

In case you want to automate the conversion of Classic or RDLC reports or reconversion of ForNAV reports you might want to use the ForNAV Powershell commandlet “Invoke-ReportsForNavConvert”, which has the same capabilities as the ForNAV converter – but without the user interface Instead input is given as parameters: Parameter Description Default TableDefinitions <path |

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Custom Fonts

Using custom fonts in reports has always been tricky because you used to have to install the fonts on both the server and the client machines. With ForNAV, you can now use custom fonts in your reports without having to install these fonts on your service tier and client computers. The ForNAV Designer detects that

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Layout changes are not saved

When you save directly to the NAV database from the ForNAV Designer, you might experience that it looks like your report changes are not saved, even though no error is displayed. The most likely explanation for this behavior is that your NAV settings in the Designer are pointing to another database. Therefore, your report object

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Using the ForNAV Converter to convert txt to AL

The new version of the ForNAV Converter now supports conversion of any C/SIDE object to an AL extension, and you can even keep your reports in RDLC format if you are not ready to migrate to ForNAV reports yet. This means that the ForNAV Converter offers you the added value of being a free, single-step

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Inspecting the dataset when running ForNAV reports

Sometimes when running a report there is no output, records are missing from the output, or sections are not printed as you expected. Just like when running RDLC or a Word report, it is possible to get the dataset by running the report from C/SIDE using a Report.SaveAsXML call – but because ForNAV often does

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Rotating a text box

The text box and the label controls both have an Angle property that controls the rotation of the control. This means that you can rotate the text in both positive and negative directions. Getting the desired result can be a bit tricky because the way the rotation is shown in the Designer is not the

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Using the Can Grow property

Some of the controls in the ForNAV Designer have a property named Can Grow (CanGrow). This feature can make controls change size to match the content. It is commonly used with the Text Box and Address controls where you normally don’t know the exact size of the content. There are a few tricks you need

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How licensing works in ForNAV OnPrem

You can download ForNAV for free here: This version has full functionality for both converting and designing reports, but will print a watermark saying “Reports ForNAV Trial Version ” on all reports. This means you can try converting and designing reports without having to acquire a ForNAV license. When you want to remove the

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Not enough storage is available

In situations when you are printing both RDLC reports and ForNAV reports, the following message can occur under heavy load: “A call to ForNav.Report failed with this message: Not enough storage is available to process this command / The operation completed successfully” and the service tier must be restated to be able to print ForNAV

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