Category: Knowledge Base

ForNAV and Docker Containers

You can use Reports ForNAV with your Docker containers. The following is a step-by-step example of how to set up a container that supports ForNAV reports. Install the BC Container Helper To help install your container, you must install the BC Container Helper PowerShell module. install-module bccontainerhelper -force get-command -Module bccontainerhelper Write-BCContainerHelperWelcomeText Create the container

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Import a Custom Report Layout in ForNAV Cloud

To import a custom report layout in ForNAV Cloud: In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, go to the Custom Report Layouts window. Click New. In the Edit window, enter the report ID and select Insert Word Layout. In the Report Name field, rename the custom report layout to something recognizable, for example, ForNAV BC custom

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Blocked by the runtime

When running a ForNAV report, you might receive the following error message: “The request was blocked by the runtime to prevent accidental use of production services.” To resolve this issue: In Business Central, on the Setup & Extensions page, in the Search field, enter fornav. Select ForNAV Core and then click Manage, Configure. On the

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Trusted Certificates

Trusting Your Service Tier Certificate If you want to connect your ForNAV Designer to a service tier using secure communication via HTTPS/SSL then you need to be able to trust the certificate installed on the service tier. Normally, your service tier certificate used in a production environment is a valid certificate that was issued by

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How to Import an Extension

Install or remove a per tenant extension in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central This KB article is relevant for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Cloud production environments. For sandbox environments (cloud) and OnPrem, we recommend you use the ForNAV Designer.   To install a per tenant extension in Business Central: In Business Central, go to

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Improve Your ForNAV Report Performance

ForNAV reports have a very low memory and CPU usage. Based on feedback from customers and partners, report execution is faster than similar reports in RDLC. There are, however, a few scenarios where performance optimization could be needed. In this article, we cover some common areas where you can improve the performance of your ForNAV

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Direct printing from the Business Central Web Client

This article is relevant for Business Central 14 and 15 Web Client only By default, the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Web Client does not support direct printing from the request page. Instead, it creates a PDF file and brings up a preview window from which the report can be printed. In certain customer scenarios,

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Advanced formatting with ForNAV

When a value from a column or a field is formatted in a ForNAV report, the normal behavior is that it mirrors the internal Microsoft Dynamics NAV/Business Central formatting 1:1.   However, in some cases, you must specify extra information about the formatting to get the desired result:   Microsoft .net formatting The ForNAV textbox

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Error when the ForNAV DLL loads a non-ForNAV layout

An error can occur when the ForNAV DLL loads a non-ForNAV layout. This can happen in the following two scenarios: When a custom layout that is not a ForNAV layout is run from the Custom Report Layout page and is selected in the Report Layout Selection page. When an AL-report source file and its layout

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Set up the ForNAV Converter and the ForNAV Designer

This Knowledge Base article is relevant for ForNAV version and higher. To set up the source for table information, we have added an assist edit button to the ForNAV Converter and the ForNAV Designer setup dialogs:   In the dialog, you can choose the connection type from the drop-down menu and when you have

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