Category: Knowledge Base

Setting up FORNAV Peppol and Peppol Plus

To set up FORNAV Peppol and Peppol Plus, you need to open the ForNAV Peppol Setup page. Authorize To be able to send and receive documents from the Peppol network, you first need to allow your Business Central installation to call out to the FORNAV Peppol Service and accept incoming calls from the FORNAV Peppol

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Disable ZUGFeRD when creating a PDF

When the Customizable Report Pack is set up to create ZUGFeRD compliant invoice and credit memo PDFs, the default behavior is that all documents will be ZUGFeRD compliant. However, in some cases, you might want to send a normal PDF without the electronic ZUGFeRD document. To do this, you need to subscribe to the “OnDocument2InvoiceDescriptor”

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Sales Service Commitment Data

Add Microsoft Subscription Billing “Sales Service Commitment” data to your sales documents If you use the new Subscription Billing module in Business Central, you might want to add the “Sales Service Commitment” data to your sales documents. We have created a special temporary table to help you get this data on your documents in the

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Set up retention policies for FORNAV tables

There are a few tables in the FORNAV Report Pack that can grow quite fast. For these tables, you can set up the standard Business Central retention policies: “ForNAV Document Archive” “ForNAV Document History” “ForNAV DirPrt Queue” To set up a retention policy, simply open the Retention Policy page and add the desired table with

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Set number of copies in a FORNAV report

Set number of copies in a FORNAV report FORNAV has a great tool for setting the number of copies in a report. Instead of adding a CopyLoop data item, you can simply set the number of copies with a function call. There are a few steps to add this code. First, you need to create

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Mapping from Business Central documents to ZUGFeRD and XRechnung

FORNAV out of the box contains mappings from Business Central documents to ZUGFeRD and XRechnung, which covers populating the mandatory fields in the standard defined by KoSIT (ForNAV Support for ZUGFeRD-installation guide-Final.pdf). However, in some cases you might want to add information that is not mandatory. To do this, you can modify the default mapping

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Exceeding the maximum number of allowed documents

Updated Nov. 6, 2024: Microsoft has informed us that this is solved now! Exceeding the maximum number of allowed documents This problem occurs only in Business Central Cloud version 24.4 or higher When running a ForNAV or Word report on Business Central Cloud, the following error will occur if the first dataitem in a report

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ForNAV Health Checks

We have often spoken about how ForNAV makes report editing easier: power users and functional consultants can easily edit reports with ForNAV. However, what happens when things go wrong? In Business Central, you can make many functional settings based on reports, you can change report selections, add report layouts, and with ForNAV you can even

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The following exception was encountered when processing XML data

If a string used in a dataset column contains a control character, the following error will occur: If you click Share Details and then select Copy error details the XML document containing the error will be copied to the clipboard. After that, you need to open an editor that can show control characters (for example,

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Local File Temporary table

If you need to access files through the ForNAV Direct Print and File Service from inside a ForNAV report layout, you can use the ForNAV Local File Temporary table. To access a local file from inside a ForNAV layout, you need to add a record, or a dataitem, for the ForNAV Local File table. You

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