Category: Knowledge Base

File attachment via the File Service throughout Business Central

In FORNAV, we have “re-implemented” the option to attach files to, for instance, Customers, Items, or Orders, using the File Service feature. These files are attached as a link to a local or network drive, so they don’t take up database space in your Business Central solution. This allows for people outside of Business Central

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The FORNAV application upgrade stops with an error

In some FORNAV releases, we need to upgrade the report layouts in your system. There might be cases where you have an empty or invalid layout in your system and this can cause two problems. Either you get the following error message: “Media object cannot be imported because the InStream object is empty.”, or the

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Controlling the layout syntax in AL-code

With the depreciation of the “WordLayout” syntax in AL, FORNAV is migrating to use the new “rendering” layout syntax. This means that, moving forward, the syntax is changed from, for example:     WordLayout = ‘.\Layouts\ForNAVAssemblyOrder.docx’;     DefaultLayout = Word; To the new rendering syntax, for example:     DefaultRenderingLayout = FORNAV; …  

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FORNAV moves to the layout type “Custom”

With the Customizable Report Pack version 8.0, FORNAV moves from using the layout type “Word” to using the layout type “Custom”. This supports the transition from the previous layout to the new Custom layout subsystem in Business Central. When customers using Business Central 25 or higher upgrade to the Customizable Report Pack version 8.0: All

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Grant AAD permissions – FORNAV Designer

The first time you connect the FORNAV Designer to your Business Central Azure Active Directory (AAD), your AAD Administrator has to grant access. Permissions requested. This application is not published by Microsoft or your organization. This app would like to: Sign in and read user profile, Access as the signed-in user, Access Dynamics 365 Business

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Overriding the standard FORNAV document archiving

The FORNAV Customizable Report Pack comes with a built-in archiving feature. This feature automatically archives any FORNAV report that was used, and stores the output and metadata in the FORNAV Archive. Some FORNAV users don’t want to store these archived documents in the Business Central database but would rather use an external database like the

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Setting up FORNAV Peppol and Peppol Plus

To set up FORNAV Peppol and Peppol Plus, you need to open the ForNAV Peppol Setup page. Authorize To be able to send and receive documents from the Peppol network, you first need to allow your Business Central installation to call out to the FORNAV Peppol Service and accept incoming calls from the FORNAV Peppol

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Disable ZUGFeRD when creating a PDF

When the Customizable Report Pack is set up to create ZUGFeRD compliant invoice and credit memo PDFs, the default behavior is that all documents will be ZUGFeRD compliant. However, in some cases, you might want to send a normal PDF without the electronic ZUGFeRD document. To do this, you need to subscribe to the “OnDocument2InvoiceDescriptor”

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Sales Service Commitment Data

Add Microsoft Subscription Billing “Sales Service Commitment” data to your sales documents If you use the new Subscription Billing module in Business Central, you might want to add the “Sales Service Commitment” data to your sales documents. We have created a special temporary table to help you get this data on your documents in the

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Set up retention policies for FORNAV tables

There are a few tables in the FORNAV Report Pack that can grow quite fast. For these tables, you can set up the standard Business Central retention policies: “ForNAV Document Archive” “ForNAV Document History” “ForNAV DirPrt Queue” To set up a retention policy, simply open the Retention Policy page and add the desired table with

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